The State of Florida is expected to provide about $8 million in appropriated taxpayer funds to the controversial Citrus Research and Defense Foundation. We think that the state should wait until CRDF under Rick Dantzler cleans up its act.
CRDF has what many citrus farmers agree is a strange relationship with the German multinational Bayer corporation. Word is that CRDF wants to turn around and provide millions more to Bayer, rather than invest the funds in less expensive and more promising research and testing with Florida-based companies.
But of course, CRDF and Bayer don’t want inexpensive, practical solutions when they can take in millions of dollars in taxpayer money to explore less practical, much more expensive solutions befitting a foreign multinational.
is there an improper relationship between Bayer and CRDF under Dantzler? We don’t know, but it’s fair to start asking the question and demanding truthful answers.
And CRDF needs to clean up its act before it gets another penny of taxpayer money.
Lawyer Dantzler failed in state politics. He can redeem himself by being the one to save Florida’s citrus industry by thoroughly exploring inexpensive solutions that might already be in front of us.