Radio ads across Florida’s citrus-growing regions are telling growers that they’re not putting their “skin in the game” by extending the mechanism to tax them to fund CRDF.
CRDF has nothing to show for the $180,000,000 it has spent so far against HLB/citrus greening
Growers are being skinned alive.
Here’s the text of SaveCitrus’ radio ad:
Hello citrus growers.
Did you get the ballot for the Florida Citrus Research Order referendum?
Rick Dantzler, who runs CRDF, wants you to vote “yes” to keep funding his Research-Industrial Complex. Despite its failure to fight citrus greening.
The problem is that one hundred and eighty million dollars has been spent.
Dantzler has nothing to show for it.
Dantzler says it’s important for growers to have “skin in the game.”
The fact is, he’s been skinning you alive.
Vote no on the referendum.
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