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Has the CRDF leader’s family profited from citrus greening?

Questions are being raised about the real estate dealings of the brother of CRDF COO Rick Dantzler.

The Saunders Ralston Dantzler real estate firm has sold large and small current and former citrus groves, much of it being promoted for non-citrus use – and even for construction and industrial development.

Dantzler’s brother Todd has listed groves to be ripped up and turned into industrial development and other purposes.

One 39-acre parcel was marketed as a “former citrus grove” and as “best” for “industrial” development.

Elsewhere on the Saunders Ralston Dantzler website, the firm comments on the decimation of citrus groves affecting the value of the land and requiring the groves to be put to other use, acknowledging that the groves would be sold to be destroyed.